Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Project Semicolon

Tattoos. I like tattoos, especially when they have a deeper meaning attached to them. I like to hear the story behind a tattoo, because it takes a lot for someone to permanently ink an image onto their skin. I currently have two tattoos. One is a fire dancer (yes, I am a major DMB fan), but it means a lot to me as I was going through a rough time in college and DMB's music really helped me cope. The fire dancer represents, at least to me, someone embracing themselves and life, dancing to the beat of their own drum. My other tattoo is a set of 4 stars on my ankle. I have 4 beautiful, awesome nieces and each star represents one of them. My next tattoo is going to be a semicolon tattoo on my wrist. While some might think it's trendy, I think it's a great way to support and encourage awareness of mental health issues. I have worked with children with mental health issues for 10 years, and also have my own struggles with anxiety and depression. If you are unaware of the story behind the semicolon tattoo, check out this link--Project Semicolon. And always remember, your story isn't over...

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